At The Galaxy’s Most Famous Crossing...
What a busy few weeks. Black holes and wrong turnings aside (there used to be a constellation where we turn left - if anyone knows where Cassiopeia has gone, please let us know) in the last week we’ve played a gig, had a jam session, met with Italian band Jester Society for the first time, involving an im promptu photo shoot, and began work on our first EP.
Arrival, 11 am
As you can imagine, finding a parking space for a Comet isn’t the easiest thing around leafy west London, but we managed to land in a park without crushing too many of the dahlias, and loaded our gear into Abbey Road Studios.
We were fortunate enough to have an invitation from Abbey Road Institute, and jumped at the chance to record at this prestigious and legendary location.
The Console
From outtakes of Beatles’ records, to the Live at Pompeii film by Pink Floyd, Abbey Road is omnipresent in our lives, responsible for some of the greatest music of the last 60 years, and perhaps the most iconic album cover ever released. Everyone knows Abbey Road, and almost everything you ever needed to know about the evolution of pop music happened there, from The Beatles to Nile Rodgers and beyond…
We would be using one of the small studios in the Abbey Road complex, with access to boutique equipment, including a Neumann U472 condenser microphone used by one of our great influences, David Bowie! (Pic below)
We set up the drums and guitars and loopstation, and waited for that all-important red light… (there is no red light… just on the DAW - Digital Audio Workstation… computers ‘n’ that.)
We will be releasing 4 tracks on our EP - one of which is recorded already, leaving us 3 pieces to record.
Shine and Silencio are both staples of Temporal Comet’s live set, and benefit from having been recorded previously. Hear them on Soundcloud. We hope to augment our current live versions of these songs with extra sounds used in previous mixes, making this a very exciting undertaking for us!
The last song is new, and talks about Brexit and the current divisions in society and the breakdown of discussion and respectful debate. It’s called Two Sides and we hope to introduce it to you real soon! (Also exciting)
Hugo records the drums for Shine
In studios we have to try and avoid ‘bleed’ - when parts of the band (e.g vocals) spills into the microphones being used to pick up other instruments. Being mindful of this allows us to be able to mix the sounds more easily.
To this effect, Hugo was set up in one room, and MJ in the other. Split up like naughty school kids!
The two quickly adapted, talking to each other over microphones audible in each other’s headphones, and they navigated the tracks with applomb, recording no more than 4 takes of each song before moving on.
MJ reacts to news that he has to finish before they can eat lunch
Super old, super rare. This could have been used by the Beatles, or even before!
It was getting late, but there was just enough time to record a few vocal takes and all the harmonies for Silencio and Shine. We’ll be back as soon as we can - the place is heaven for musicians, with posters and pictures of great films, and recording artists everywhere, not to mention the endless corridors of expensive, rare and vintage recording equipment.
MJ with millions of £££s of gear
We were particularly drawn to beautifully printed photos of Bowie, and various Beatles working at Abbey Road throughout the years. Unfortunately, most of the communal areas were heavily guarded by security! All photos here were taken quickly like little spies! 🤫🤫🤫
We loved our Abbey Road experience and extend huge hugs to Forbes Anderson, Giacomo Vianello and Tom Barthen at Abbey Road institute as a sign of our appreciation and gratitude.
We’re so excited to show you the results - roll on, February!