Posts tagged recording
202305 - It's been a long...

For all my space-themed gassing (is there gas in a vacuum? I’m guessing not, rather than googling it) there’s been so much going on. And that’s partially because it’s been 25 months since I checked in with you all via blog!

So what has happened since the last blog post? Some good, some bad… and I say goodbye to my dear friend Mark Astronaut

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"Am I in shot?"

Our filming date has come around too fast - ideas are still being crystallised. Last night I was listening to 'Falling' and thought it would be great to film it so that the camera took the perspective of a leaf tumbling slowly to the floor as it filmed the band. I spoke with Jonnie who runs Billion Bites, and he immediately had a solution; "Why don't we try a gimbal - it could look great in slow-mo". I pretend to know exactly what that means, and that's another problem solved! 

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